Saturday, June 18, 2022

Day #58-Sometimes you just have to send it. Miles hiked: 28.1

The post office in Grand Lake closes at 4 pm. It’s not open on Saturday’s. It was Friday and I was 28 miles away. I woke up at 230 am and started walking.
After hiking until 10 the night before, I was tired, but I’m a medical student who is used to call shifts. I wasn’t delivering babies this morning, but heavy eyes are nothing new. However, I did see three moose before 8 am—that kept me awake!
By mid-morning, I started passing lakes and dayhikers and trailheads with pit toilets!
Several thunderstorms also started popping up around on the high peaks surrounding the lakes. However, I got to enjoy just being thankful I was safe and not up on the ridge anymore.

Also, welcome to Rocky Mountain National Park and the Colorado River!
By 230, I had reached my goal and rolled into the post officd exhausted. However, I got to spend the afternoon reviving myself under a picnic table in Grand Lake with French fries and vegan ice cream. By evening, I got rescued by a friend of a friend who has taken me to a magical place known as a home for the weekend.

Can’t wait to be away from trail for a few days—will be good for my soul before starting the second half of this hike. Goodnight from Golden,  CO! 

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Day #44 (101)-A very different type of finish. Miles hiked: 25.7

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